Интересное наблюдение о цифре 47
1. In 3XK, Jerry Tyson’s room number was ‘47’
2. Episode 19 of season 4 is called ‘47 Seconds’. Beckett’s secret came out in this episode.
3. Johanna Beckett was 47 years old when she died
4. Johanna Beckett’s was murdered on January 9, 1999. 1+9+19+9+9 = 47
5. “Kate Beckett”. 4+7 letters
6. Castle and Beckett first kissed in Knockdown, which was episode #47
7. From the moment the shot rings out at the cemetery in Knockout until the end of the episode, it’s exactly 47 seconds.
8. The “Previously on Castle” intro in Always is exactly 47 seconds long
9. The makeout scene in Always is, starting with the thunder and counting until the screen fades to black, also exactly 47 seconds long.
10. The episode ‘The Blue Butterfly’ consists of flashbacks to the 1947
11. In ‘To Love and Die and in L.A’ the moment when between Kate locks her door in the hotel and the moment where Josh Ritter’s song stops lasts… 47 seconds
12. In the episode ‘Demons’ there is a scene at the precinct where Beckett says a suspect lives on 38th & 9th 38 + 9 = 47
13. In the episode ‘Demons’ the team are looking at a bank account in which contains 47 dollars
14. In the episode, “Cops and Robbers”, the scene starting with the bomb going off and ending with Beckett kneeling in front of Castle is exactly 47 seconds.